November 28, 2024
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving
There is nothing peculiarly “American” about Thanksgiving, but it is an opportunity for us to remember all for which we have to be thankful. More importantly, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember to whom we must be thankful....
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January 1, 2024
by Fred Greco
Today marks the beginning of another year – 2024. Our reckoning of time itself points to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 2024 A.D., short for anno domini or “in the year of the Lord.” All of history is so divided into the period before (B.C.) and after (A.D.) the birth of Christ. What is true of the calendar should also be true of our lives. Each year we have is a gift ...
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July 15, 2023
by Fred Greco
Pastor Greco is beginning a new sermon series during a break in his series in the Gospel of John. We will look at the family, an institution God has given us as a blessing and for our good....
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January 1, 2023
by Fred Greco
| Tags: promises, new year, Bible reading
It is time to turn the calendar again from one year to another. As I grow older, I become more and more aware of the change of the year – even if I am far less likely to stay up long enough to celebrate it at the moment! The dawn of a new year is a time for us to take stock of our lives and what the Lord has done, both in us and for us. It’s not that January 1 brings a...
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December 31, 2021
by Fred Greco
Once again, the end of the calendar year is upon us. In one sense, time keeps rolling on. I realize I am a year older and (hopefully) a year wiser. 2021 marked the 25th anniversary of my marriage and watching my children (now all adults) grow and take on new challenges....
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November 24, 2021
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time when we are reminded that much has been given to us. So how can you cultivate a heart of thanksgiving?...
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February 19, 2021
by Fred Greco
| Tags: storm
The winter storm that hit the Houston area (and almost all of Texas) appears to be heading out. After a chaotic week, things are returning to normal for many of us. Today is cold (45°), but clear and dry....
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February 13, 2021
by Fred Greco
Church Events
Our 6:00 PM evening service on Sunday, February 14, 2021, has been canceled. The weather forecast is for low temperatures not seen in decades in Houston, with the addition of freezing rain, sleet, and (perhaps) snow. We want you to stay safe and driving on slick and icy roads after dark (and without much experience with that) is risky....
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December 31, 2020
by Fred Greco
The start of a new year is an appropriate time for reflection. In an ordinary year, we would think back to all that we accomplished and experienced in the past year and wonder what excitement the new year will bring. But 2020 was anything but ordinary....
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July 4, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: freedom
July 4th is traditionally celebrated as the “birthday” or beginning of America. July 4, 1776, was when the delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, drafted by (future President) Thomas Jefferson and approved by the Continental Congress two days earlier. ...
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June 25, 2020
by Fred Greco
An update on the policy for face coverings for worship starting Sunday, June 28....
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May 23, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: coronavirus, updates
This week is the week! On Sunday, May 24, the congregation will resume in-person worship. ...
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May 7, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: coronavirus, updates
Beginning May 24, we will resume in-person worship. There are many details related to that resumption, and our website has been updated, including with an FAQ about worship services, at ...
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April 25, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: coronavirus, updates
We are near concluding our second month of dealing with COVID-19 and the attendant restrictions that have been placed on businesses, travel, and socializing. One thing that I think we have learned in these days is that community is critically important for people. We were created by God to live with each other ...
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April 4, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: coronavirus, updates
In these times of social distancing and not gathering, I want to continue to remain in "contact" with you, the congregation of Christ Church. I do not know how long our efforts to "Slow the Spread" will continue, but it appears that we will have live stream only worship at least through the month of April....
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March 30, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: prayer, PCA
The PCA has provided a resource for its congregations and the public during this challenging time of the COVID-19 crisis. It is a 30-day "Month of Prayer" website with daily guides for prayer based on the attributes of God....
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March 19, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Worship, coronavirus, updates
Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding changes to the Lord's Day worship services and other ministries in the midst of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. For March 22 and 29, Christ Church will only have live stream worship at 10:00 AM....
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March 14, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Worship, coronavirus, updates, prepared
Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation and steps that the church is taking to respond....
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March 7, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: trust, peace, fear, outbreak, coronavirus
Currently, it is hard to avoid news and information about the coronavirus (COV-19), a new flu-like strain of disease that first came to prominence in China, but has since spread all over the world. ...
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January 3, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: new year, scripture, growth, bible.reading
Once again, the calendar has come around and we are about to flip the page from December to January, and with it, a move into the new year. There is nothing magical about the change from 2019 to 2020 ...
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January 3, 2020
by Fred Greco
| Tags: judgment, mercy, sermons, Old Testament
2020 has just begun, and at Christ Church, we are embarking on a new study of the Old Testament prophet Micah. ...
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December 25, 2019
by Fred Greco
| Tags: incarnation, Jesus, Christmas
Christmas is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. But we would do better to think about Christmas as the incarnation of God, who has come to reconcile sinners to Himself. ...
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November 28, 2019
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving
The Lord gives me so many blessings that I take them for granted as if I was owed blessing. So we must seize every reminder to be thankful that we can....
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November 14, 2019
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Messiah, Christmas, advent
The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ was God's provision for the redemption of sinners. It was foretold beforehand, and the Old Testament is full of references to the coming messiah. As early as Genesis 3:15, the Lord announced the defeat of sin and Satan through "the seed of the woman."...
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September 12, 2019
by Fred Greco
| Tags: outreach, guests
One of the things that we at Christ Church strive for is to be a welcoming and friendly church. ...
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March 13, 2019
by Fred Greco
| Tags: evangelism, gospel, outreach, sermon
Perhaps the greatest privilege that a Christian has is to testify to others about the Lord Jesus Christ. Being a witness for Christ is an expected consequence of having your life changed by Jesus! This Spring, beginning on March 24, we will explore what it means to be “Ambassadors for Christ” in our community....
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December 28, 2018
by Fred Greco
Christian Growth
| Tags: growth, bible, reading
2018 has been an eventful year. As often is the case, at the end of the year it is hard to imagine that time has passed so quickly! But the end of the year also means the beginning of a new year ...
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November 22, 2018
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving, Lord, contentment
It is often said that we live in an age of discontent. We see this in the political warfare that exists among rival systems of government. We see it in the way different generations of Americans think and talk about each other. Perhaps most practically, we see it in the way that we are always striving for the newer and the better....
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September 3, 2018
by Fred Greco
| Tags: sermons
We have added a new resource to our website this week. Starting with the sermon series in the book of Romans, you can now download transcripts of the sermons from Christ Church’s morning worship service. ...
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August 4, 2018
by Fred Greco
| Tags: staff, ministry
Welcome to our newest staff member, David King....
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April 16, 2018
by Fred Greco
| Tags: prayer, technology
Those of you who were in our morning service yesterday and heard my sermon about prayer may remember an illustration I used about the constancy (“without ceasing” or “always”) nature of prayer that Paul urges on us. ...
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March 14, 2018
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Paul, theology, sermon, Romans
In our morning services (8:30 and 11:00 AM), we will begin a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Romans is often considered the towering height of the New Testament; it is Paul’s longest and most theological letter....
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October 15, 2017
by Fred Greco
| Tags: reformation, history
A video from the Gospel Reformation Network on the Protestant Reformation....
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October 13, 2017
by Fred Greco
| Tags: faith, Christ, grace, glory, bible, luther, reformation, sola
Over the next five weeks, we will be looking at these five Reformational principles in our morning worship services. We hope that you can join us for this new sermon series as we seek the Lord in His Word to guide us into all truth....
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July 17, 2017
by Fred Greco
| Tags: pastor
On Sunday, July 16, the congregation of Christ Church voted to call Mr. Jason Wegener to be the next Associate Pastor of Christ Church....
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December 31, 2016
by Fred Greco
Christian Growth
| Tags: bible study, growth, sanctification
It is that time of year again, when we ring out the current year (2016) and welcome the new year (2017). For most of the world, the new year is a time when life feels fresh and new. This seems to be the one time when we can put behind us our problems and get a fresh start. Curiously, I have seen a number of people ready for 2016 to end because it has been “such a horribl...
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December 28, 2016
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Christ, incarnation, theology, Christmas
This is the time of year when people, especially Christians, think about the incarnation. The term “incarnation” comes from the Latin verb incarnare, which means “to be made flesh,” and it is the term we used to describe how God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, came into the world and took on humanity. It is a great mystery of the Christian faith ...
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November 24, 2016
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day on which we have the opportunity to stop, look around us, and remember that we have much for which to be thankful....
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July 2, 2016
by Fred Greco
Current Events
| Tags: hope, persecution, America
This is the weekend leading up to the celebration of Independence Day, or the July 4th holiday, in the United States. Our nation does not have as long a history as others, but it does seem very long and far away to celebrate an event that occurred 240 years ago....
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December 23, 2015
by Fred Greco
Christian Growth
| Tags: bible study
It is that time of year again. A new year is approaching and with it a whole host of New Year’s Resolutions. For many Christians, that means another attempt to read through the entire Bible in a year....
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August 8, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: missions
Last day in Juarez...
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August 7, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: mission
One thing that has become obvious this week is that the young people who have come with us have been a huge part of what we have been able to accomplish. There is little substitute for youthful energy and drive. Additionally, the young people of Christ Church continue to show (as they do back in Katy) that they are willing to take initiative on work (not waiting to be told...
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August 7, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: missions
Today the Christ Church PCA Missions team again served at the Mission Torre Fuerte construction site in Juarez. There were no injuries and God was gracious keeping us safe and in good spirits. ...
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August 5, 2015
by Fred Greco
We had survived (and actually flourished!) one day! What we were able to accomplish on the construction site and at the English Camp, even though there were some difficulties and shortcomings, was a great encouragement to our team....
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August 4, 2015
by Fred Greco
The first day of construction work and English camp in Juarez....
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August 2, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: missions, Worship
A restful and worshipful Lord's Day in Juarez....
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August 1, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: missions, Mexico
The Christ Church team headed for El Paso this morning, divided into two groups: one on a Southwest Airlines flight, and one in a driving caravan....
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July 21, 2015
by Fred Greco
Church Events
| Tags: evangelism, VBS, gospel, outreach
Each summer, the people of Christ Church band together to bring their time and talent to show children in the Katy community the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is amazing to me how much effort is involved in hosting more than 100 children for a week of mornings!...
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June 27, 2015
by Fred Greco
Current Events
| Tags: gospel, marriage, politics
By now I imagine most of you have seen or heard of the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court forcing homosexual “marriage” on all the States. While this is discouraging, I would advise you neither to be surprised nor despondent....
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May 30, 2015
by Fred Greco
Church Events
| Tags: crafts, VBS, community, children, registration
Summer is here, and at Christ Church, that means that Vacation Bible School is near! Our 2015 VBS takes children out on the high seas with a Summer SeaQuest adventure. ...
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April 1, 2015
by Fred Greco
| Tags: Worship, resurrection, Easter
Join us this Lord's Day as we gather together to worship a risen Savior who is alive, and who ever lives to intercede for us! At Christ Church, we will have our two morning worship services at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and look together at "Who is Righteous?" (Luke 18:9-14). ...
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March 7, 2015
by Fred Greco
That dreaded weekend is here: the time when we all lose an hour of our lives, and most importantly an hour of sleep! Daylight Savings Time begins tonight at 2:00 AM, and we need to "spring forward" one hour....
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October 25, 2014
by Fred Greco
It's October 25th, that is, my birthday. I have now turned the ripe, solidly middle-age of 45. I have long reached the point where, by average life expectancy, I have more years behind me than in front. With a nod to those my senior, I do understand that this does not make me objectively "old." But I do think that a birthday is a good occasion to take stock of one's life...
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September 10, 2014
by Fred Greco
Church Events
| Tags: conference, Reformed theology, Calvinism, Ligonier, Burk Parsons
Christ Church announces our 2014 Fall Spiritual Life Conference, held on September 26-28, 2014.
This is our second Spiritual Life Conference, the purpose of which is to explore the effects ofthe Bible's teaching on the daily life of the Christian. This year our topic is: "The Five Points of Calvinism and the Christian Life," as presented by our speaker, Rev. Burke Parsons...
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April 18, 2014
by Fred Greco
| Tags: grace, forgiveness, gospel
The great challenges of life can be crushing to our minds and spirits. This is true when we are weighed down by our own inadequacies, mistakes, and especially our sin. We can do everything we want to try and distract ourselves from our need, but in the end it is not enough. We can pretend that our circumstances are not as black as they are; we can make excuses for our sins...
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January 4, 2014
by Fred Greco
Christian Growth
| Tags: bible study, growth, perseverance
The New Year is a great time to commit to reading the Bible....
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October 7, 2013
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving, providence, tragedy
Some pastoral thoughts on the anniversary of 9-11-2001....
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September 21, 2013
by Fred Greco
| Tags: missions
On Friday, our small group from Christ Church crossed the U.S. - Mexico border on our way to the Center for Church Planting (CPI) Vision Weekend in Monterrey. Crossing the border was less involved than I thought it would be, but there was still paperwork to fill out, a deposit to be made in order to bring the car into Mexico, and dollars to turn into pesos. As we travelled...
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July 15, 2013
by Fred Greco
As impressive as the hardware behind the iPad (and the iPhone) is, the real power is in the myriad of apps that can be run on these devices. For virtually every intended use, there are several different options of apps to be purchased. I have been using an iPhone for several years now, and last year acquired an iPad. Many people have asked me to make app recommendations, a...
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March 30, 2013
by Fred Greco
The good news of the gospel is that there is hope for the hopeless. This is a time of great hope as we look to our great God and Savior, who has won the victory over sin, the devil, the flesh, and even death! ...
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March 23, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
Wednesday arrived with the twin thoughts that there was still much of the week ahead, and that I was beginning to obtain a level of comfort with Uganda....
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March 21, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
| Tags: missions, Uganda
I survived, by the grace of God, my first day preaching at ABU....
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March 20, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
On Monday, African Bible University's Spiritual Emphasis Week began. This, after all, is the main reason that I came to Uganda. Spiritual Emphasis Week is sort of like the "spring break" for ABU. ...
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March 18, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
| Tags: Uganda
On Sunday, we set out for New City Presbyterian Church in Kampala, where I was scheduled to preach....
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March 17, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
| Tags: missions, Uganda
On Saturday, there was time for a day trip. I was not scheduled to do any preaching until Sunday, so Tim and I planned a trip out to the Rafiki village near Kampala....
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March 15, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
My first day at African Bible College. I was able to meet some students, and have pizza!...
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March 14, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
| Tags: Uganda
The story wherein I finish my travels to Uganda....
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March 13, 2013
by Fred Greco
Uganda Trip
| Tags: missions, Uganda
This is the first entry in my online "journal" for my trip to Kampala, Uganda to visit Tim & Cheri Hoke and African Bible University....
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December 31, 2012
by Fred Greco
Christian Growth
| Tags: bible study, growth
Do you wish you knew your Bible better now than you did at the beginning of the year? Have you often thought, "It would be a great thing to read the whole Bible from cover to cover, but I'm not sure I can" ? The start of a new year is the perfect time to plan to read through the Bible. There are many reading plans that are available chronological plans, Old Testament and ...
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November 22, 2012
by Fred Greco
| Tags: thanksgiving
Are you thankful this Thanksgiving? Take the time to think about the real significance of this holiday....
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