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Archives for February 2020

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Why Have Missions Conferences?


Why does Christ Church have a missions conference every (or nearly every) year? Doesn’t the leadership of the church know that everyone is busy, tired, overcommitted, and holding out for spring break so we can vacation or just have a break from the grind of life? Most of us find ourselves unable to keep up and needing rest....

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The Westminster Divines on the Doctrine of Holy Scripture


There can be no doubt to the thoughtful, serious reader of the Westminster Confession of Faith but that the framers set before us a very robust doctrine of Holy Scripture. They begin by addressing the subject of revelation in the first paragraph of the first chapter. ...

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Reading Scripture Holistically and Christo-centrically


The Bible is a big book, written over a long period of time by many authors with various genres, settings, and contexts. For example, the Pauline epistles read very differently than the books of Moses, and both are very different from the prophetic writings we see in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the minor Prophets....

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What Is Your Estimate of the Cross?

Apostle Paul as depicted by Rembrandt

We read in Galatians 6:14 these words of the Apostle Paul: But God forbid that I should glory (boast) except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Central to the theme of the Bible is the theme of the cross of Christ. ...

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