Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

One of the most important aspects of a congregation of Jesus Christ is to live out their faith together, encouraging each other and enjoying together the blessings that the Lord has provided. This can happen in many different ways, from learning together in Sunday School or Ladies' Bible Studies, to having fellowship by eating meals together, to participating in projects together. This kind of "body life" is important at Christ Church PCA. 

We strive to be a church where Jesus is known, where we build each other up, and reach out to the community. You can look at our Church Calendar to see what events are coming up, get involved with our children or young people, come together with families, or check out our resources. Our Covenant Community Groups are a great way to connect with others to study the Bible, pray, and have fellowship.

The Apostle Paul describes how the Lord uses the variety of gifts that He gives to His people for the benefit of all in Romans 12:3-13.

Christ Church desires to be a vibrant church where God is glorified; a congregation that is true to the Scriptures, true to the Great Commission, and true to the Reformed Faith. We look to be a resource in the Katy/West Houston area used by God for church planting, evangelism, education, and the support of world missions. We envision a church family that is dedicated to building one another up, reaching the lost, and having a passion for biblical truth and vibrant Christian living.