Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:6–7)

Christian Education (Sunday School) classes for all ages meet each Sunday from 9:50 AM to 10:35 AM

Adult & Family Classes (starting 3/10):

Knowing Scripture — God is there and He is not silent!  Through creation He speaks, but Scripture is the Lord's special gift to His people for Covenant of Grace blessings and benefits filled to overflowing with true truth.  This class will explore the background to the Bible and the process of inspiration, so that we might read and study it more effectively.  The Holy Spirit inspires the Word written, and the same Holy Spirit illuminates it for our spiritual enjoyment.  After a broad survey of the doctrine of Scripture, we will do a number of case studies, putting the principles we learn into practice! (Room 107 — Pastor Rankin)

Pastoral Epistles — In his letters to Timothy and Titus, Paul exhorts the young pastors and their congregations to develop and display Christian character and conduct, hold fast to sound doctrine, have courage in Christ, and ground their faith in God’s powerful Word.  Through discussions of faithful generosity, God-centered worship, and a rightly-ordered church, I and II Timothy and Titus provide timeless encouragement to God’s people. (Room 102 — Dave Cias and Prakash Thomas)

Ruth — We will be taking a close exegetical look at this encouraging story of human devotion, kindness, and love that we find in the Old Testament Book of Ruth, which details for us, and traces back, part of the ancestry of our Lord Jesus Christ, and which includes a keen insight on the Old Testament concept of the kinsman redeemer. Another interesting feature is that 50 of the 85 verses of the book consist of dialogue. (Room 101 — David King)

Youth and Children's Classes

Senior and Junior High - 7th through 12th grades (Room 104)

5th and 6th grades (Room 108)

3rd and 4th grades (Room 103)

1st and 2nd grades (Room 109)

4 and 5-year-olds (Room 112)

2 and 3-year-olds (Room 111)


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