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Archives for March 2020

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The Westminster Divines on the Necessity of Holy Scripture


When the Westminster divines underscored, as they did in the first paragraph of the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the necessity of Holy Scripture due to the cessation of God’s work of special revelation, they were but echoing the emphasis of the Holy Spirit Himself as expressed in a text such as 2 Peter 1:19-21....

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PCA 30 Days of Prayer

The PCA has provided a resource for its congregations and the public during this challenging time of the COVID-19 crisis. It is a 30-day "Month of Prayer" website with daily guides for prayer based on the attributes of God....

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Update on COVID-19 for March 19, 2020

COVID information blogpost

Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding changes to the Lord's Day worship services and other ministries in the midst of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. For March 22 and 29, Christ Church will only have live stream worship at 10:00 AM....

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Update on COVID-19 for March 14, 2020

COVID information blogpost

Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation and steps that the church is taking to respond....

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Some Thoughts on the Coronavirus


Currently, it is hard to avoid news and information about the coronavirus (COV-19), a new flu-like strain of disease that first came to prominence in China, but has since spread all over the world. ...

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