Are You Amazed by Christmas?

Christmas is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. But we would do better to think about Christmas as the incarnation of God, who has come to reconcile sinners to Himself. ...
November 28, 2024 by Fred Greco
There is nothing peculiarly “American” about Thanksgiving, but it is an opportunity for us to remember all for which we have to be thankful. More importantly, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember to whom we must be thankful....
December 25, 2019 | 1 Comments by Fred Greco | Tags: incarnation, Jesus, Christmas
Christmas is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. But we would do better to think about Christmas as the incarnation of God, who has come to reconcile sinners to Himself. ...
Keep ReadingDecember 28, 2016 by Fred Greco | Category: Theology | Tags: Christ, incarnation, theology, Christmas
This is the time of year when people, especially Christians, think about the incarnation. The term “incarnation” comes from the Latin verb incarnare, which means “to be made flesh,” and it is the term we used to describe how God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, came into the world and took on humanity. It is a great mystery of the Christian faith ...
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