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Posts Tagged with "coronavirus"

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Update on COVID-19 for May 22, 2020

COVID information blogpost

This week is the week! On Sunday, May 24, the congregation will resume in-person worship. ...

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Update on COVID-19 for May 5, 2020

COVID information blogpost

Beginning May 24, we will resume in-person worship. There are many details related to that resumption, and our website has been updated, including with an FAQ about worship services, at www.cckpca.org/coronavirus. ...

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Update on COVID-19 for April 25, 2020

COVID information blogpost

We are near concluding our second month of dealing with COVID-19 and the attendant restrictions that have been placed on businesses, travel, and socializing. One thing that I think we have learned in these days is that community is critically important for people. We were created by God to live with each other ...

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Update on COVID-19 for April 4, 2020

COVID information blogpost

In these times of social distancing and not gathering, I want to continue to remain in "contact" with you, the congregation of Christ Church. I do not know how long our efforts to "Slow the Spread" will continue, but it appears that we will have live stream only worship at least through the month of April....

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Perfect Peace in a Pandemic


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) was unheard of 6 months ago, and even just a few weeks ago, it seemed like a faraway problem on the other side of the world. However, it is now front and center in the news and all our thoughts. ...

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Update on COVID-19 for March 19, 2020

COVID information blogpost

Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding changes to the Lord's Day worship services and other ministries in the midst of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. For March 22 and 29, Christ Church will only have live stream worship at 10:00 AM....

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Update on COVID-19 for March 14, 2020

COVID information blogpost

Pastor Greco sent an update to the congregation of Christ Church regarding the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation and steps that the church is taking to respond....

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Some Thoughts on the Coronavirus


Currently, it is hard to avoid news and information about the coronavirus (COV-19), a new flu-like strain of disease that first came to prominence in China, but has since spread all over the world. ...

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