Paul’s Secret of Contentment
In the time and context that we American Christians find ourselves in, contentment can be a difficult quality to cultivate. This is not due to a lack of material possessions; it is quite the opposite. ...
November 28, 2024 by Fred Greco
There is nothing peculiarly “American” about Thanksgiving, but it is an opportunity for us to remember all for which we have to be thankful. More importantly, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember to whom we must be thankful....
April 1, 2020 by | Tags: contentment, materialism
In the time and context that we American Christians find ourselves in, contentment can be a difficult quality to cultivate. This is not due to a lack of material possessions; it is quite the opposite. ...
Keep ReadingNovember 22, 2018 | 2 Comments by Fred Greco | Tags: thanksgiving, Lord, contentment
It is often said that we live in an age of discontent. We see this in the political warfare that exists among rival systems of government. We see it in the way different generations of Americans think and talk about each other. Perhaps most practically, we see it in the way that we are always striving for the newer and the better....
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