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Serve the Church!


Love and service go hand in hand. Service in the church can be tough. It is often thankless, forgotten, or overlooked. Whether it is caring for our little ones in nursery, working the sound booth, serving at VBS, going on that mission trip, visiting widows, or getting up early for that yearly church workday, service requires something more than mere obligation. It requires...

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Another Year, Another Season of Grace

2024 new year blog

Today marks the beginning of another year – 2024. Our reckoning of time itself points to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 2024 A.D., short for anno domini or “in the year of the Lord.” All of history is so divided into the period before (B.C.) and after (A.D.) the birth of Christ. What is true of the calendar should also be true of our lives. Each year we have is a gift ...

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Leadership in Ezra

Leadership in Ezra-Curt

Whenever the people of God find themselves in disarray, there arises a need for proactive, bold, and God honoring leadership. The days of Ezra are a time such as this....

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New Sermon Series on the Family


Pastor Greco is beginning a new sermon series during a break in his series in the Gospel of John. We will look at the family, an institution God has given us as a blessing and for our good....

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Ring in 2023!


It is time to turn the calendar again from one year to another. As I grow older, I become more and more aware of the change of the year – even if I am far less likely to stay up long enough to celebrate it at the moment! The dawn of a new year is a time for us to take stock of our lives and what the Lord has done, both in us and for us. It’s not that January 1 brings a...

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Celebrating Christ This Christmas

Celebrate Christ Graphic (618x398) copy

How do we celebrate Christmas? Easy! Even the youngest among us knows how. We put up a Christmas tree, decorate our houses, go to Christmas parties, give and receive presents, drink hot cocoa and so much more. Perhaps I could ask a more specific question. How do we celebrate Christ at Christmas? ...

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An End of the Year Meditation

Once again, the end of the calendar year is upon us. In one sense, time keeps rolling on. I realize I am a year older and (hopefully) a year wiser. 2021 marked the 25th anniversary of my marriage and watching my children (now all adults) grow and take on new challenges....

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A Thanksgiving Prayer


Thanksgiving is a time when we are reminded that much has been given to us. So how can you cultivate a heart of thanksgiving?...

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What is the most important promise in the Bible?

What is the most important promise in the Bible? Some suggest it is Genesis 12:1-3 which states, “Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you....

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Winter storm update for Friday, February 19, 2021


The winter storm that hit the Houston area (and almost all of Texas) appears to be heading out. After a chaotic week, things are returning to normal for many of us. Today is cold (45°), but clear and dry....

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