Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

VBS Registration is OPEN!

Summer is here, and at Christ Church, that means that Vacation Bible School is near! Our 2015 VBS takes children out on the high seas with a Summer SeaQuest adventure. Through Bible stories, songs, crafts, and games children will meet the Sovereign God who saves. The story of Jonah will be the foundation of the lessons, and there will be plenty of opportunities to make friends and have fun.

SSQ webHeader

This year we have moved registration online for ease and convenience. You can register your children and even pay online. The cost is $10 per child or $35 per family (for or more children in the same family). Our Parent Information Booklet gives information on what to expect during the week, including drop off and pick up times, dress, and snacks. If you have any further questions, please contact our church office at 281.392.0002 or visit our contact web page.

I would like to invite your children personally for a great week put together by the incredible servants of Christ Church. We hope to see you there!