Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

At Christ Church, we desire to obey the command of our Lord Jesus Christ in taking the gospel to the world around us. We are to "make disciples of all nations," and follow the charter of the Church by being Jesus' "witnesses in Jerusalem [Local Missions] and in all Judea and Samaria [Regional Missions], and to the end of the earth [Foreign Missions]." (Acts 1:8)  Because of this, we are involved in a variety of missions:


We support missionaries throughout the world, as they plant churches, train leaders, and bring the gospel. You can learn more about our foreign missionaries HERE.

Nate & Nikki Bonham – Columbia
Joe & Felicity Congdon - Japan
Aaron & Rachel Halbert – Honduras
Tim and Cheri Hoke – Africa
Tim & Kristy Holliday – Mexico
Neal - East Asia
Joshua & Gina Rieger – England
Dal & Beth Stanton – Ukraine
Julian Zugg - MINTS
Kurt & Jill – Europe
John & Kelley Beth - South Asia


  • MNA Disaster Response - The PCA's Mission to North America Disaster Response provides support to PCA churches in disaster-affected communities through a network of staff and volunteer damage assessment teams, first response teams, site managers, and key leaders.

  • Gospel Reformation Network - cultivating healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church in America


  • The Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston - ministering to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the women and their extended families as they deal with the circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy by sharing the truth and love of Jesus Christ

  • Christ Clinic - a nonprofit charitable medical clinic serving the uninsured and underinsured population in the Katy/West Houston area

  • Katy Home Savers Association (KHSA) - providing home repair and renovation services at no cost to low-income homeowners in need, such as the elderly, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and people impacted by natural disasters.
  • Church Without Walls - developing relationships with individual Muslims and mosques, and holding Meetings for Better Understanding between Christians and Muslims, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ