Update on COVID-19 for June 25, 2020

On June 23, 2020, Judge KP George issued an Order Regarding Use of Facial Protection for Fort Bend County (where Christ Church is located). The order states that all “commercial entities… must require that all employees or visitors to their business premises or other facilities wear face coverings.” There is a specific exemption for “churches or other places of worship,” so Christ Church is not specifically covered under the order. However, the Christ Church Session met to consider recommendations with respect to worship gatherings in light of the community and governmental guidelines. Starting on Sunday, June 28, 2020 (and subject to modification on future Sundays) our policy will be as follows:
- At our 8:30 AM service, face coverings will be required. You do not need to have a medical grade or special mask. Any face covering, including a scarf or bandana, will be sufficient. If you do not have a covering when you arrive at this service, one will be provided for you upon entry.
- At our 10:30 AM and our 6:00 PM service, face coverings will be not required, but we are recommending that all attendees wear them. Both of these services will continue to be live streamed if you prefer to watch at home.
We are modifying our previous standards to be consistent with concerns that the Governor, the medical community (and here), and other governmental authorities have regarding the recent increase in COVID-19 cases. We are asking you to balance your own opinions and concerns with a love and care for others in the church. The church should not be a place to pass judgment on each other or criticize each other (Romans 14:10), but rather a place where love and grace abound. For this reason, we are not requiring face coverings of everyone at all services, but instead are allowing for a service where those who are more comfortable with face coverings being worn know that everyone will have a covering. We are also asking everyone, especially as they enter and exit the building, to wear a face-covering for the protection and assurance of others. Finally, we realize that the COVID-19 situation is still very fluid and we expect further modifications in weeks to come. Please be patient and pray for your pastors and elders as we navigate these unusual times.
Video update here:
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