Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

Organizations and individuals may request to rent space in the church building and outside property of Christ Church for activities that honor the name of Christ Jesus. Use is contingent upon a determination by Christ Church that the individual/organization and/or event, activity, or use does not conflict with basic Christian values and the doctrinal position of Christ Church as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and as interpreted and implemented by the Session and Diaconate in the management and administration of Christ Church. Rental of space is determined by the Session and Diaconate in their sole discretion, and requires the completion of a Facility Request Form and adherence to our Building Use Policy. In order to request space, the following steps are taken:

  1. Download the Facility Request Form (multiple pages), complete it, and return it to the church office in person or by email.
  2. The church office will contact you about the date of your request.
  3. The request is then sent to the Christ Church deacons for approval.
  4. The church office will contact you regarding your request.

Building Use Forms and Documents

Facility Request Form

Building Use Policy