Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

New Sermon Series on Romans


This Sunday, March 18, marks a significant date in the life of Christ Church. In our morning services (8:30 and 11:00 AM), we will begin a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Romans is often considered the towering height of the New Testament; it is Paul’s longest and most theological letter. The Church quickly came to that conclusion, placing Romans first in the order of Paul’s canonical writings. In Romans, Paul is at his systematic best: showing the state of a world that has rebelled against God, declaring that the attempt to find righteousness in our works is an empty and fruitless pursuit, asserting that the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross is sufficient to reconcile sinners to God, and pronouncing that Jesus not only justifies sinners, but that He changes them, bringing holiness where once there was only unrighteousness.

Any study through Romans is far more deliberate than a sermon series in an Old Testament narrative book, like our recent series in 1 Samuel. Instead of preaching through 20 or 30 verses each week, our text will be five to seven verses (and sometimes a few as two verses!). Nevertheless, our goal is not speed, but a greater understanding of the central truths of the Bible.

I would encourage you to take the time to read completely through Romans to get its scope and the totality of Paul’s intention in the book. In one sitting it should take only about one hour to read completely through. This will be especially helpful in preparation for March 18th’s sermon, which is an overview of the entire book. Try to spot and write down four or five major themes that Paul presents. I hope you will be blessed by God’s Word as we dive together into one of the deepest ends of the pool – Romans!

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