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Posts Tagged with "Westminster"

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The Westminster Divines on the Interpretation of Holy Scripture


When reading the Bible, what is the best means by which we are to understand and interpret difficult passages of Scripture? For we recognize, as the Westminster Assembly observed, “all things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear to all.” ...

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The Westminster Divines on the Necessity of Holy Scripture


When the Westminster divines underscored, as they did in the first paragraph of the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the necessity of Holy Scripture due to the cessation of God’s work of special revelation, they were but echoing the emphasis of the Holy Spirit Himself as expressed in a text such as 2 Peter 1:19-21....

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The Westminster Divines on the Doctrine of Holy Scripture


There can be no doubt to the thoughtful, serious reader of the Westminster Confession of Faith but that the framers set before us a very robust doctrine of Holy Scripture. They begin by addressing the subject of revelation in the first paragraph of the first chapter. ...

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