Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. (Matthew 5:7)
Under leadership of the deacons, the Mercy Ministry of Christ Church expresses Christ-like compassion, kindness, mercy, and love toward those of the church body experiencing personal hardship by providing support and assistance, which may be physical, spiritual, or financial in nature. As disciples of Christ, we humbly seek to utilize the resources that God has abundantly supplied to meet their needs. In doing so, our ultimate goal is to bring glory and honor to God for the opportunity we have to comfort, protect and encourage those in need.
Mercy Meals
When a need arises within our church body, such as a long-term illness, surgery, or a new baby in the family, our Mercy Ministry team serves as the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. A Meal Train is put together for the family or individual, which allows church members to sign up to bring meals or help in other ways. All men and women are welcome to participate in this ministry. All that is needed is a loving heart with a desire to serve others! If you would like to receive emails when a calendar is created, allowing you to help if you choose, please contact