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Archives for September 2019

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The First Apologetic


A vital element can often be missing from our discussion of and use of apologetics. That vital element is love....

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Do I Have to Be a Greeter to Greet?


I have had several folks ask the question of whether they had to be an official greeter to greet new people....

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John Calvin on Offenses

John Calvin

Calvin explains to us this difference between “giving an offense” and “receiving or taking an offense.”...

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Book Review: The Whole Armor of God


Iain Duguid’s recent book, The Whole Armor of God: How Christ’s Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare, masterfully describes each component of our armor and how it points us to Christ, whose victory has secured our victory....

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What Does It Mean To Be A Friendly Church?


Being friendly speaks of an attitude that places you and the guest on the same level and that eliminates any bias or conditional acceptance....

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Hearing the Word of God

Jerome in his study

The Reformed faith has always placed a great deal of emphasis on knowing the true and living God as He has revealed Himself in the Holy Scriptures....

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Psalm 62: Trusting in the Lord


I love the psalms for many reasons. They express the broad panorama of Christians emotions toward God....

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What is a Guest?


How do we answer the question: "who is a guest?"...

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2019 Juarez Mission Trip


A brief report from Tuesday...

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2019 Juarez Mission Trip

Jardines wall-after (2)

A brief report from Thursday evening...

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New Series on Guests


One of the things that we at Christ Church strive for is to be a welcoming and friendly church. ...

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Loving the Church


In the last few months of Youth Group, we have been doing a series on the Church....

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Martin Bucer on Choosing Elders


Bucer's comments on the prerequisite graces and virtues specified in these passages are very fascinating and display a clear presentation of sound, biblical teaching regarding the office of an elder...

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