Join us Sundays at 8:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM

At Christ Church, we strive to be a welcoming and friendly community. We have morning worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 AM, and an evening service at 6:00 PM. When you arrive, we have greeters that can answer your questions and direct you to the right places. We strive to be faithful to God’s Word in our worship and ministry and to be a place where people can meet with the Lord and connect with His people.


How long are your services? What are they like?
Our services are about an hour and ten minutes in length. It consists of singing, prayer, Bible reading, and a sermon. On the fourth Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. You can find out more about our worship here.

What should I wear?
worship2022.JPGMost importantly, we want you to come! There is no specified attire for worship – you will see a variety of clothing from suits to polo shirts, dress slacks to jeans, dresses to pants. Our morning service tends to be a bit more “dress up formal” than our evening service, but not in a way that would make anyone uncomfortable.

What is the music like?
We sing a variety of hymns from the Trinity Hymnal, Psalms, and contemporary songs from our Songbook. The main musical accompaniment is from a piano, with a small ensemble accompanying in the morning, and occasional guitar accompaniment of contemporary songs.

What about my children?
During our 11:00 AM worship service, we have a nursery for children up to their fourth birthday that is staffed with trained and background-checked volunteers. A Check-In/Check-Out paging and tag system is used to keep children safe. There is also a room available with a video feed to provide parents with flexibility with children if they desire.

Will I be asked to do or give something?
guestcardNo. We want you to feel as welcomed as possible. There is no “stand up and greet time” (although we would love to meet you before or after the service!) and the complete order of worship is found in a bulletin to make you feel comfortable in participating as you are able. A collection is taken in every service because giving is an act of worship. If you do not wish to contribute, just let the offering pass by. We would also love it if you would take the time to fill out a guest card so we can get to know you better!