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Evening Service (2/14) Canceled


Our 6:00 PM evening service on Sunday, February 14, 2021, has been canceled. The weather forecast is for low temperatures not seen in decades in Houston, with the addition of freezing rain, sleet, and (perhaps) snow. We want you to stay safe and driving on slick and icy roads after dark (and without much experience with that) is risky....

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Vacation Bible School at Christ Church

Each summer, the people of Christ Church band together to bring their time and talent to show children in the Katy community the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is amazing to me how much effort is involved in hosting more than 100 children for a week of mornings!...

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VBS Registration is OPEN!

Summer is here, and at Christ Church, that means that Vacation Bible School is near! Our 2015 VBS takes children out on the high seas with a Summer SeaQuest adventure. ...

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2014 Conference Session 4 - Irresistible Grace

When we hear the word “accept” in relation to the call of the gospel, we generally think of ourselves as “accepting” the invitation. But what does the Bible actually say? In Scripture, this language of “acceptance” is not that you or I accept Jesus, but that God accepts us....

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2014 Conference Session 5 - Perseverance of the Saints

Do you want more proof that God is caring for you and keeping you safe? It might surprise you, but the discipline of our Heavenly Father is yet another confirmation that He is holding us close, protecting us, and loving us. Not one of His children can be snatched from His hand. We can count on it....

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2014 Conference Session 2 - Unconditional Election

When we know that we don't deserve salvation, when we realize that God chose us based on His love for us, we will love others. We can’t hate someone who God loves....

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2014 Conference Session 1 - Total Depravity

“Anyone who says Reformation Theology is easy, hasn’t read their Bible.” - Burk Parsons...

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2014 Fall Conference

Christ Church announces our 2014 Fall Spiritual Life Conference, held on September 26-28, 2014. This is our second Spiritual Life Conference, the purpose of which is to explore the effects ofthe Bible's teaching on the daily life of the Christian. This year our topic is: "The Five Points of Calvinism and the Christian Life," as presented by our speaker, Rev. Burke Parsons...

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