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Archives for February 2021

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Winter storm update for Friday, February 19, 2021


The winter storm that hit the Houston area (and almost all of Texas) appears to be heading out. After a chaotic week, things are returning to normal for many of us. Today is cold (45°), but clear and dry....

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Evening Service (2/14) Canceled


Our 6:00 PM evening service on Sunday, February 14, 2021, has been canceled. The weather forecast is for low temperatures not seen in decades in Houston, with the addition of freezing rain, sleet, and (perhaps) snow. We want you to stay safe and driving on slick and icy roads after dark (and without much experience with that) is risky....

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The Poor Man’s Gospel


The Christian Gospel is indeed “the poor man’s gospel.” The great Charles Haddon Spurgeon, probably the greatest preacher of the 19th century, expressed it simply, yet elegantly, in the following words....

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Honesty in Marriage


Of the hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of sermons that I have heard in my lifetime, only a few have stuck with me over the years like one that I heard on Colossians 3 in the mid to late 1990’s. We had just begun to attend a reformed Baptist church in Kansas, and I was drinking deeply of God’s word and delighting in the expositional preaching that I was under. ...

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Are you under the law or under grace?


Are you under the law or under grace? Before you answer, allow me to raise the stakes. Paul writes in Romans 6:14 “For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace”. ...

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Justification by Faith

John Calvin

What does it mean to be justified? I have discovered that even dear saints in Reformed Churches are often confused as to the meaning of justification. ...

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