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So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. (Acts 2:41)

What is membership?

The Christian life is not a life meant to be lived in isolation. Jesus Christ died not only to save sinners, but to gather those sinners together into a people for Himself (Eph. 2:19-22). We need help, encouragement, and accountability as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ. This need is the reason that the Bible speaks over and over again about the Church and the need to have communion with one another. It is also the reason that Jesus Christ gave pastors, teachers, and shepherds to His Church (Eph. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:1-2).

Being a part of the Church means commitment. This has both a personal component – your desire to be a part of the larger body of Christ, and also a public component – being baptized as a member of the covenant community and making a profession of faith. Practically, that means membership in a local body of believers, where a believer’s gifts can be exercised, where prayer requests can be brought, and where encouragement can be found.

At Christ Church, we encourage those who worship with us to consider making a commitment to membership. Membership in a church does have its “privileges,” but more importantly, it provides opportunities for service and ministry. 

How do I become a member?

  • First and foremost, becoming a member of Christ Church requires you to know the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. The Church, after all, is Jesus’ Church. If you are not sure what it means to believe in Jesus, then we encourage you to read our summary of the gospel, or to talk to one of our pastors or elders.
  • Third, you become a member by meeting with our elders. This is not a scary process – but it is an opportunity for our elders to come alongside you and hear your testimony of faith, to find avenues of service for you in the Church, and to answer any questions you may have about Christ Church and our ministry. Joining a PCA church only requires a credible profession of faith in Christ, and being able to answer the five Questions of Membership.

You can download our New Member Packet, which contains forms for you to print out and bring to your membership meeting. If you have any questions about membership or the process, please contact Pastor Fred Greco.