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Posts Tagged with "Christ"

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Are you under the law or under grace?


Are you under the law or under grace? Before you answer, allow me to raise the stakes. Paul writes in Romans 6:14 “For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace”. ...

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Knowing Christ #3

The Gospel-618x398

As we learn from the great “I AM” utterances of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John, the great blessing of the Gospel is that God in Christ gives us Himself to satisfy the hunger of our souls and to quench the thirst of our hearts. ...

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Knowing Christ #2


The essence of what Paul intends to say here is that there can be no greater ambition in the heart of the true servant of Jesus Christ than to know Him in all the beauty of His person and in all the glory and perfection of His work on behalf of sinners....

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Knowing Christ #1


There can be no greater ambition in the heart of any minister of Christ than to preach and to know Jesus Christ and him crucified....

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The Five Solas of the Reformation


Over the next five weeks, we will be looking at these five Reformational principles in our morning worship services. We hope that you can join us for this new sermon series as we seek the Lord in His Word to guide us into all truth....

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The Importance of the Incarnation


This is the time of year when people, especially Christians, think about the incarnation. The term “incarnation” comes from the Latin verb incarnare, which means “to be made flesh,” and it is the term we used to describe how God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, came into the world and took on humanity. It is a great mystery of the Christian faith ...

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