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Posts by Jason Wegener

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Honesty in Marriage


Of the hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of sermons that I have heard in my lifetime, only a few have stuck with me over the years like one that I heard on Colossians 3 in the mid to late 1990’s. We had just begun to attend a reformed Baptist church in Kansas, and I was drinking deeply of God’s word and delighting in the expositional preaching that I was under. ...

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Perfect Peace in a Pandemic


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) was unheard of 6 months ago, and even just a few weeks ago, it seemed like a faraway problem on the other side of the world. However, it is now front and center in the news and all our thoughts. ...

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Why Have Missions Conferences?


Why does Christ Church have a missions conference every (or nearly every) year? Doesn’t the leadership of the church know that everyone is busy, tired, overcommitted, and holding out for spring break so we can vacation or just have a break from the grind of life? Most of us find ourselves unable to keep up and needing rest....

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How to Get the Most Out of your Community Group


It has been a great blessing over the last few weeks to see the increase in interest and involvement in our Covenant Community Groups. Perhaps now would be a good time for us as a congregation to pause and consider how we might get the most out of these groups....

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Book Review: The Whole Armor of God


Iain Duguid’s recent book, The Whole Armor of God: How Christ’s Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare, masterfully describes each component of our armor and how it points us to Christ, whose victory has secured our victory....

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2019 Juarez Mission Trip

Jardines wall-after (2)

A brief report from Thursday evening...

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2019 Juarez Mission Trip


A brief report from Tuesday...

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2018 Peru Mission Trip- Day 6

A brief report from day 6...

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2018 Peru Mission Trip- Day 5


A brief report from day 5...

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2018 Peru Mission Trip- Day 4


A brief report from day four....

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2018 Peru Mission Trip- Day 3


A brief report from day 3....

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2018 Peru Mission Trip -Day Two


A brief report from day two of the 2018 Peru Mission Trip....

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2018 Peru Mission Trip- Day One Plus


A brief update from day one of the mission trip....

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Why Community Groups? To Provide Urgent Encouragement


As we walk through the various ‘one another’ passages in God’s Word, we are seeking to build a Biblical understanding of how we should relate to others within the body of Christ. Scripture tells us in various places to exhort (Heb. 3:13) or encourage one another (1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 10:25). Encouragement is something that we all need in our Christian walk. Nowhere in...

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Why Community Groups? To Help Us Pray for One Another


Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life? Pray for them! Prayer is not sitting idly by, merely hoping for something to change. It is active communication with God, based upon His Word. And it is active involvement in the needs and struggles of our fellow Christians within the church. ...

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Why Community Groups? To help us honor one another


In a recent blog, we considered the fact that the love that believers show for one another should be the defining element of our Christian community. A concept that is closely related to love is the idea of honor. As the definition above demonstrates, to honor someone is to regard them with great respect....

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Why Small Groups? To help us love one another.


What does the Bible teach about small groups? The short answer is nothing-but not really nothing. Let me explain. Certainly, Scripture does not give a set schedule of all the weekly activities of the church. ...

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Join a Community Group this January!


At our recent Reformation Day celebration, I met a man who attends another church in the area. He said that our church made an impression on him because “everyone seemed to know each other.” He appreciated that we were a friendly church with people who care about one another. ...

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