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Paul's letter to the church at Rome is a New Testament monument to the great teachings of justification, faith, and life in Christ. The overarching theme of Romans is how sinful people can be right with a holy God, being justified by faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work. The first 11 chapters cover every major theological topic relating to salvation, and chapters 12-16 apply those teachings to the life of the believer.

November 24, 2019

Glory to God!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 16:25–27

October 27, 2019

The Hope of the World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 15:8–13

October 13, 2019

Living Like Jesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 15:1–7

October 6, 2019

Christian Liberty

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 14:13–23

September 1, 2019

Submitting to Authority

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 13:1–7

January 27, 2019

The Golden Chain of Salvation: Part 1

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 8:28–30

October 14, 2018

By One, Death, By One, Life

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 5:12–21