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When Sin is Set Loose

May 20, 2018 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans

Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 1:26–32

What happens when people reject God? In the first chapter of Romans, Paul has set forth the theology of unbelief: it beings with suppressing the truth, moves dishonoring God, on to choosing foolishness instead of wisdom, and then ends up in being given up to their sin by God. Our next question for Paul would be: “what does being given up to sin look like?” Paul describes it in enough detail to shock us – and the picture he paints is especially critical of our age. The sins of our age are more than just sins; they are evidence of the judgment of God. Not satisfied with sinning with excess in natural things, unbelievers rush to unnatural sins, exchanging even impurities for dishonorable passions. Apart from the restraining power of the Holy Spirit and the work of Christ, the downward spiral of sin takes unbelievers to terrifying depths. That is what happens “When Sin is Set Loose.” (Romans 1:26-32)

I.   Sin As Judgment
A.  Depraved Behavior
B.  Depraved Mind

II.  Sin As a Way of Life
A.  Wickedness
B.  Hatred
C.  Pride
D.  Without Good

III.  One Way or the Other
A.  Delighting in Damnation
B.  Set Free by the Savior

Questions for consideration:  (1)What does Paul’s statement about sin tell us about our society? (2) If you examine your life, where do you see occasions of the sins Paul describes? What can you do about that?  (3) What warning does Paul give? How should that affect the gospel message we bring?

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