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Warnings Against Judging Brothers

September 29, 2019 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Romans

Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 14:1–12

When a person professes faith in Christ and receives salvation, that is just the beginning of the Christian life. From that point on until death, the Spirit of God is at work in and for the believer, making the believer more and more in the image of Christ. But growth in Christ is varied, and the application of how the gospel works out in practice creates disagreements among Christians. This is a cause of tension in the Church, and the Apostle Paul was well aware of that. In Romans 14, Paul begins a new subsection of his letter, addressing the issue of Christians judging each other. Some are overly scrupulous, and others are condescending. Paul points all of us to the Lord Jesus Christ and His work, urging believers to welcome each other and not pass judgment. He gives essential “Warnings Against Judging Brothers” (Romans 14:1-12).

I. What is the Issue?
A. The Situation in Rome
B. Not Just in Rome

II. What Is the Problem?
A. Passing Judgment
B. Looking Down on Others

III. What Is the Solution?
A. Welcome Brothers
B. Do Not Judge Brothers

Questions for consideration: (1) Why is it important to see that the situation in Romans 14 is different from similar situations in Paul’s other letters? (2) In which of the two problems are you more tempted to find yourself? How can you practically resist that temptation and obey Paul’s commands in this passage? (3) How can you be a part of the solution in our congregation?

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