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What is a Guest?


There are several ways one could answer that question. One restricted definition is that a guest is anyone who is not a member of Christ Church. But we have many regular attendees who are not members and who contribute to the ministry. A more general answer is that a guest is anyone new to Christ Church but not a regular attendee. Since most do not have access to attendance records, let me propose that a guest is anyone new to you. Most guests do not feel comfortable until their third or fourth visit; one thing that they do not mind is your reintroducing yourself for the third or fourth time until the newness disappears, and relationships begin.

Unless the guest is an out-of-town friend or family member of one of us, another way to answer our question is that a guest is a seeker, someone with a history, someone with hopes. He or she is leaving something behind and facing something ahead. We are not expected to analyze in detail, but we are expected to be prepared. If we have guests at Christ Church, then it follows that we are hosts. When guests enter one of our homes, as hosts, we want them to feel welcomed and comfortable. It is no different when someone first comes through the doors of Christ Church.

One last thought: a guest should be on temporary status. Our Lord is honored when a guest transitions to a friend, or possibly, a brother or sister in Christ.

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