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Covenant Community

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Covenant Community

An in-depth look at the essential Biblical characteristics of the Church that make it a community for God's people. In today's society, where people are separated from each other by technology, busy-ness, and misunderstanding, it is more important than ever for the body of Christ to be a model for community. Join us as we explore the Bible and receive encouragement in how to practically love and serve one another.

October 4, 2015

A Unified Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: John 17:1–26

September 27, 2015

A Worshiping Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: Psalm 95:1–11, Acts 2:42–47

September 20, 2015

A Serving Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Peter 4:7–11, John 13:12–16

September 13, 2015

A Praying Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 4:23–31, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Hebrews 4:16

September 6, 2015

A Hospitable Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: Matthew 25:31–46, Hebrews 13:1–2, 1 Peter 4:9

August 30, 2015

A Forgiving Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: Colossians 3:12–3:13

August 23, 2015

A Loving Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 John 3:11–3:24

August 16, 2015

A Humble Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:3–2:11