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A Serving Community

September 20, 2015 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community

Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Peter 4:7–11, John 13:12–16

It is more and more common today for people to want to start at the top. College graduates expect to begin employment with a company in the executive suite; athletes all assume a starting spot; and very few are willing to begin on the ground floor. Our modern world is a place where it is embarrassing to have to serve under others. We judge our worth by success and control over other people. The more that this is true in the world, the greater the opportunity for the Church of Jesus Christ to show how different a community Jesus is building. Jesus calls us to be willing, even eager, to serve others. He does this not only with the authority of His Word but also with the clarity of His actions. Is there a place in your life to serve others? Are you ready to put on the servant’s garb and follow Jesus? If so, the church will truly become a place that is marked by being “A Serving Community” (1 Peter 4:7-11; John 13:12-16).

I. Jesus Equips Us to Serve
A. By His Gifts
B. For His Glory

II. Jesus Shows Us How to Serve
A. In a Practical Way
B. Without Regard to Self

III. Jesus Calls Us to Serve
A. To Bless His People
B. To Follow Him

Questions for consideration: (1) What gifts has the Lord given to you? How can you use them this week for the blessing of others? (2) What is it about serving others that helps us in our own walk with Christ? (3) What is the practical effect of believing Jesus’ words “a servant is not greater than his master”? How should that change your life?

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