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A Hospitable Community

September 6, 2015 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Covenant Community

Topic: AM Service Passage: Matthew 25:31–46, Hebrews 13:1–2, 1 Peter 4:9

The world today can be a lonely place. So many in our society, and even in the Church, are isolated from others. While this can disheartening, it is also not surprising as we look at the trajectory that society has taken over the last few hundred years. We have made every effort we can to allow people to be independent – that is, to live without needing help from anyone. And in large measure we have succeeded: long ago, people were dependent on others to be able to get food or lodging when traveling; people were dependent on others to care for them when they were ill; governments and businesses simply did not exist to take care of needs. Private parties helped each other and people depended on a community. Now our “advancements” have produced a world where we think we do not need each other and isolate ourselves from others. The Church should be a notable exception. The community that Jesus is forming is a place of safety for the weak, hope for the hurting, and rest for the weary. As His followers, it is incumbent upon us to start now building “A Hospitable Community” (Hebrews 13:1-2; 1 Peter 4:9; Matthew 25:31-46).

I. What is Hospitality?
A. Providing for Needs
B. Providing Encouragement

II. How Should I Be Hospitable?
A. Without Grumbling
B. Without Partiality

III. Why Should I Be Hospitable?
A. There are People in Need
B. It is a Sign of the Work of Jesus

Questions for consideration: (1) What opportunities have you had recently to show hospitality? How can you find more opportunities? (2) Why is it so important to avoid partiality with hospitality? (3) How can being hospitable open up opportunities for the gospel?


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