Prayer: the Hope of the Family
September 24, 2023 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: God's Gift of the Family
Topic: AM Service Passage: Mark 15:21–28
As we have looked at the family and the roles and responsibilities of fathers, mothers, and children, it can be overwhelming. We wonder how we can possibly survive, let alone thrive, in a world that is hostile to the family. The answer comes to us from the Lord – He calls us to go to Him! Our hope is in the Lord, who redeems His people and gives them strength. We neglect the power of prayer to our detriment. In the account of the Canaanite woman who comes to Jesus, we see a mother who knows that she can’t save her daughter, only Jesus can. So she goes to Jesus and will not let go. Would that we would have such confidence in “Prayer: the Hope of the Family.” (Matthew 15:21-28)
I. Need for Prayer
II. Prayer Hearing God
III. Answer to Prayer
More in God's Gift of the Family
September 17, 2023
Children: The Gift of GodSeptember 10, 2023
Mothers: Discipling and CaringAugust 20, 2023
Fathers: Leading and Forming