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The Divine Protector

January 10, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Zechariah

Topic: AM Service Passage: Zechariah 1:18– 2:13

The world is a dangerous place. Everywhere around us, there are products with warning labels, calls for more safety equipment, and fearful pronouncements on the news. It is not just that we want to be safe; we also want to feel safe. In search of safety, we will give up activities, foods, and even some relationships. But the truth is that there is only one place where we can be safe – and that is in the protective arms of the Lord our God. The Lord promises us in His Word a safety that goes beyond the moment. In fact, following the Lord may lead to momentary danger! But the Lord declares that He is a wall about His people and dwells in their midst. In the second and third visions that came to the prophet Zechariah, the Lord assured the prophet that He would not only defeat Israel’s enemies but that He would bring the nations to Jerusalem so that the praise of the Lord would grow beyond anything they imagined. In the midst of dangerous and uncertain times, we must always remember that the Lord is “The Divine Protector” (Zechariah 1:18-2:13).

I. Enemies Defeated
A. Horns of Power Raised
B. Craftsmen Casting Down

II. God’s People Defended
A. What We Think We Need
B. What God Provides

III. Prophetic Reversal
A. Sadness to Joy
B. Enemies to Worshippers

Questions for consideration: (1) What in the world today seems hostile to God’s people? How do you react to that? Why? (2) Why do you think believers so often turn to worldly methods of protection? (3) In what ways have you seen the Lord bring about unexpected change in your life? In the lives of others who appeared hostile? In the world?

More in Zechariah

May 1, 2016

The Coming Day of the Lord

April 24, 2016

The Cleansing Fountain

April 17, 2016

Mourning the Pierced One