The Cleansing Fountain
April 24, 2016 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Zechariah
Topic: AM Service Passage: Zechariah 13:1–9
The prophet Zechariah challenged God’s people to trust in the Lord and to seek Him first. Zechariah spoke of the great coming Kingdom and the good shepherd. Now the prophet turns to God’s people and reminds them that they are in need of God’s work. Like the Israelites, we don’t like to dwell on our failures. We don’t want to focus on the area where we fall short, but so often those areas are all too obvious. One example of that is a need for cleanliness. We can clearly see that need when our homes have not been the object of a good spring cleaning, but it is even more crucial when we look at our lives and see that we are surrounded by sin. Sin makes us unclean and separates us from God, and it can have what seems like an overwhelming power over our lives. The good news of the gospel is that God is fully aware of our sin and uncleanness, and He still comes to us. In fact, in spite of our uncleanness, the Lord embraces us with the work of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus’ work that provides the cleansing flood that makes us new again – clean and free from the power of sin. The bad news is that we are all sinners, trapped in guilt; but the far better good news is that we find forgiveness, healing, and freedom in the work of Jesus, “The Cleansing Fountain” (Zechariah 13:1-9).
I. Cleansing of Sin
A. Sin’s Guilt
B. Sin’s Power
II. Cleansing of Life
A. No More Idolatry
B. No More False Ways
III. Cost of Cleansing
A. The Lord’s Own Cut Off
B. The Refining of God’s People
Questions for consideration: (1) Where do you see sin’s power in your life? What sins are most difficult for you to resist and defeat? (2) What are the idols of our society? What idols are you tempted by? What draws your attention away from the Lord? (3) In what ways is the Lord refining you? What circumstances have set your focus on God?
More in Zechariah
May 1, 2016
The Coming Day of the LordApril 17, 2016
Mourning the Pierced OneApril 10, 2016
Rejection of the Shepherd