What Have You Done For Me? - Thanklessness
September 21, 2008 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Sins That Entangle
Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 17:11–19
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I. Duty to be Thankful
A. Rooted in creation
B. For all things
C. In all circumstances
II. Danger of not being Thankful
A. It harms us
B. It harms our witness
III. Desire to be Thankful
A. Remember who you are
B. Remember what God has done
C. Remember what God has promised to do
Questions for consideration: (1) Why might our society be especially prone to being unthankful? Why might the Church? (2) What does thanklessness say about our walk with Christ? (3) When was the last time you were unthankful? What could you have done about that?
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