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Looking Down on Your Brother - Judgmentalism

October 12, 2008 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Sins That Entangle

Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 14:1–12

I. Judging Actions
A. Who do you think you are?
B. Congratulations to me!

II. Judging Beliefs
A. When you are wrong
B. When you are right

III. Judging the Judge
A. Christ is our Lord
B. Christ is our Judge

Questions for consideration: (1) How can we distinguish between actions that are always sinful and those that are controversial or complex? Why is that an important distinction? (2) How can judgmentalism harm our witness? (3) What effect does this sin have on our family or church?

More in Sins That Entangle

October 19, 2008

Overestimating Yourself - Pride

October 5, 2008

More Dangerous Than a Sword - Bad Speech

September 28, 2008

Do Not Steal, But Work - Generosity