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Sermons from 2010

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December 26, 2010

The Church at Thyatira

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:18–2:29

December 26, 2010

A Connected Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 15:22–15:35

December 19, 2010

The First General Assembly

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 15:1–15:21

December 5, 2010

A Tale of Three Cities

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 14:1–14:28

November 28, 2010

The Church at Pergamum

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:12–2:17

November 28, 2010

A Sabbath Sermon

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 13:13–13:52

November 21, 2010

The Church at Smyrna

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:8–2:11

November 21, 2010

A Missionary Sendoff

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 13:1–13:12

October 31, 2010

The Church at Ephesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:1–2:7

October 31, 2010

Who is in Control?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 12:1–12:25

October 24, 2010

The Church at Antioch

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 11:19–11:30

October 17, 2010

The Glorious Son of Man

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 1:9–1:20

October 17, 2010

But That's Not How We Have Always Done It!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 11:1–11:18

October 10, 2010

A Letter from Jesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 1:1–1:8

October 10, 2010

The Wall Comes Down

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 10:34–10:48

October 3, 2010

Expanding Horizons

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 10:1–10:35

September 26, 2010

Healing and Help

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 9:32–9:43

September 19, 2010

Portrait of a Changed Man

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 9:23–9:31

September 5, 2010

The Persecutor Pursued

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 9:1–9:22

August 29, 2010

The Word Comes to Ethiopia

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 8:26–8:40

August 22, 2010

The Bad, the Good and the Ugly

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 8:1–8:25

August 15, 2010

Stephen the Martyr

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 7:54–8:1

August 8, 2010

Stephen the Preacher

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 7:2–7:53

July 25, 2010

When Persecution Comes

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 6:8–6:15

July 18, 2010

Division, Deacons, and Dissemination

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 6:1–6:7

July 11, 2010

The God Who Cannot Be Stopped

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 5:12–5:42

July 4, 2010

The Danger of False Spirituality

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 4:32–5:11

June 20, 2010

Holy Boldness

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 4:23–4:31

June 13, 2010

Christian Civil Disobedience

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 4:13–4:22

May 30, 2010

No Other Name

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 4:1–4:12

May 23, 2010

Peter's Portico Preaching

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 3:11–3:26

May 16, 2010

Jumping for Joy

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 3:1–3:10

May 9, 2010

True Church Community

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 2:42–2:47

May 2, 2010

Powerful Pentecost Preaching

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 2:14–2:41

April 25, 2010

The Gospel Goes Global

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 2:1–2:13

April 11, 2010

From Ascension to Assumption

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 1:12–1:26

April 4, 2010

The Ascension of Christ

Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 1:1–1:11

February 28, 2010

The Lord Restores His People

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 42:1–17

February 28, 2010

The God of the Waiting Time

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 12:5–12:13

February 21, 2010

The Lord Answers - Part 2

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 40:6– 41:34

February 21, 2010

The God of Resurrection

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 12:1–12:4

February 14, 2010

The Lord Answers - Part 1

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 38:1– 40:5

February 14, 2010

The God of North and South

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 11:1–11:45

February 7, 2010

The Wonder of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 36:1– 37:24

February 7, 2010

The God of History

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 10:1–10:21

January 31, 2010

The God Who Answers Prayer

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 9:20–9:27

January 24, 2010

The Mercy of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 33:1–33

January 24, 2010

Daniel's Prayer

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 9:1–9:19

January 17, 2010

A Godly Life

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 31:1–40

January 17, 2010

The Vision of the Ram and the Goat

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 8:1–8:27

January 3, 2010

Blessings from God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 29:1–25

January 3, 2010

The Lord Reigns!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 7:9–7:14