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Have you ever wondered about the End Times? Ever been confused by the book of Revelation? People often avoid Revelation because it is unusual and unlike so much else of the Bible. This study strives to make Revelation clear and applicable to our lives. Don’t be afraid – join us as we explore Revelation together, finding comfort in God’s Word to us of the certain victory of Jesus Christ!

November 13, 2011

Surely He Comes

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 22:1–22:21

October 30, 2011

The New Jerusalem

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 21:1–21:26

October 16, 2011

The Millennium

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 20:1–20:15

October 9, 2011

The Victory of the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 19:1–19:21

October 2, 2011

Babylon is Fallen!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 18:1–18:24

September 18, 2011

Babylon, the Opposer of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 17:1–17:18

September 4, 2011

Bowls of Wrath

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 16:1–16:21

August 28, 2011

The Song of the Redeemed

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 15:1–15:8

August 21, 2011

The Lamb and His Harvest

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 14:1–14:20

August 7, 2011

Unholy Persecution

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 13:1–13:18

July 24, 2011

The Great Conflict

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 12:1–12:17

June 26, 2011

The Two Witnesses

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 11:1–11:19

June 19, 2011

A Powerful Messenger and Message

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 10:1–10:11

May 1, 2011

Plagues of Judgment

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 8:13–9:21

April 17, 2011

Silence, Smoke and Seven Trumpets

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 8:1–8:12

April 3, 2011

A Multitude Secured by the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 7:1–7:17

March 13, 2011

Who Can Stand the Wrath of the Lamb?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 6:1–6:17

February 27, 2011

Worthy is the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 5:1–5:14

February 20, 2011

Before the Throne

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 4:1–4:11

February 13, 2011

The Church at Laodicea

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:14–3:22

February 6, 2011

The Church at Philadelphia

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:7–3:13

January 16, 2011

The Church at Sardis

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:1–3:6

December 26, 2010

The Church at Thyatira

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:18–2:29

November 28, 2010

The Church at Pergamum

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:12–2:17

November 21, 2010

The Church at Smyrna

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:8–2:11

October 31, 2010

The Church at Ephesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 2:1–2:7

October 17, 2010

The Glorious Son of Man

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 1:9–1:20

October 10, 2010

A Letter from Jesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 1:1–1:8