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The book of Nehemiah is the story what happens after the Lord grants the prayers of Israel and restores the Israelites back into the land. Israel returns, but to a land and a community that is still broken from a long exile. Nehemiah the Governor is chosen by the Lord to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem - to restore Israel's sense of purpose as the people of God. In doing so, Nehemiah battles enemies both from within and without, resting secure in the Lord's provision.

March 22, 2015

The Dedication

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 12:27–47

March 15, 2015

John Hancock

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 10:1–39

March 8, 2015

A Model for Prayer

Speaker: Mark Husband Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 9:1–38

February 22, 2015

The Book

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 8:1–8:18

February 15, 2015

Opposition from the World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 6:1–7:4

February 1, 2015

Our Own Worst Enemy

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 5:1–5:19

January 25, 2015

Your Momma Wears Army Boots!

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 4:1–4:23

January 18, 2015

Nehemiah's Prayer Answered

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 2:1–2:20

January 4, 2015

Nehemiah's Prayer

Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: Nehemiah Topic: PM Service Passage: Nehemiah 1:1–11