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Sermons from February 2011

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February 27, 2011

Worthy is the Lamb

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 5:1–5:14

February 27, 2011

Speaking Boldly in Antioch

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 18:18–18:28

February 20, 2011

Before the Throne

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 4:1–4:11

February 20, 2011

Corinthian Chaos

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 18:1–18:17

February 13, 2011

The Church at Laodicea

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:14–3:22

February 13, 2011

Confronting Cultural Unbelief

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 17:16–17:32

February 6, 2011

The Church at Philadelphia

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Revelation Topic: PM Service Passage: Revelation 3:7–3:13

February 6, 2011

Some Noble, Some Not So Much

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Acts Topic: AM Service Passage: Acts 17:1–17:15