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Sermons from 2009

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December 27, 2009

Where is Wisdom?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 28:1–28

December 27, 2009

The Vision of the Four Beasts

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 7:1–7:28

December 20, 2009

Where is God?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Passage: Job 23:1– 24:25

December 20, 2009

In the Lion's Den

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 6:1–6:28

December 13, 2009

The Handwriting on the Wall

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 5:1–5:31

December 6, 2009

The Real King of the World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 4:1–4:37

November 29, 2009

When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 21:1–34

November 29, 2009

The God Who is With Us

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: PM Service Passage: Daniel 3:1–3:30

November 22, 2009

The God of Empires

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 2:31–2:49

November 15, 2009

Light Piercing the Darkness

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 19:1–29

November 15, 2009

The Wisdom of God's Ways

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 2:1–2:30

November 8, 2009

Round 2

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 15:1– 17:16

November 8, 2009

The Strength to Stand

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service Passage: Daniel 1:1–1:21

October 25, 2009

Life in Exile

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Daniel Topic: AM Service

October 11, 2009

The Grace-Filled Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:20–4:23

October 4, 2009

The Content Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:10–4:20

September 27, 2009

Hope in a Sovereign God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 11:1– 14:22

September 27, 2009

The Excellent-Minded Chruch

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:8–4:9

September 20, 2009

The Wrong Mediator (audio not recorded)

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Passage: Job 8:1– 10:22

September 20, 2009

The Peaceful Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:5–4:7

September 13, 2009

With Friends Like These

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 4:1– 7:21

September 13, 2009

The Peacemaking Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:2–4:5

September 6, 2009

Why Me?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 3:1–26

September 6, 2009

The Steadfast Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 4:1–4:1

August 30, 2009

The Christ-Focused Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 3:17–3:21

August 23, 2009

Eyes on the Prize

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 3:12–3:16

August 16, 2009

In the Crucible

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 2:1–13

August 16, 2009

All About Jesus

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 3:7–11

August 9, 2009

When the Storm Strikes

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 1:13–22

August 9, 2009

True Gain

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 3:4–3:7

August 2, 2009

The Stage is Set

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Job Topic: PM Service Passage: Job 1:1–12

August 2, 2009

Be Careful Out There!

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 3:1–3:3

July 26, 2009

Godly Examples: Serving Others

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:19–2:30

July 19, 2009

Shining in the World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:14–2:18

July 12, 2009

We Work, Because God Worked

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:12–2:13

June 21, 2009

The Exaltation of Christ

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:9–2:11

June 14, 2009

The Humility of Christ

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:8

June 7, 2009

The Unified Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 2:1–2:4

May 31, 2009

A Worthy Life

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:27–1:30

May 24, 2009

Real Life

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:21–1:26

May 17, 2009

Real Honor

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:19–1:21

May 10, 2009

The Advance of the Gospel

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:15–1:18

April 26, 2009

Day of Salvation

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 8:1– 10:3

April 26, 2009

The Priority of the Gospel

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:12–1:14

April 19, 2009


Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 7:1–10

April 19, 2009

Grace + Love = Praise

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:7–1:11

April 12, 2009

The Sure Foundation

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:3–1:6

April 5, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 6:1–14

April 5, 2009

Blueprint for the Church

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Philippians Topic: AM Service Passage: Philippians 1:1–1:2

March 29, 2009

The Last Days of Judah

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 24:1–25:30

March 22, 2009

For Such a Time as This

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 4:1–17

March 22, 2009

Revival in Judah

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 22:1–23:37

March 15, 2009

Dark Days for the People of God

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 3:1–15

March 15, 2009

Do We Trust The Lord?

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 20:1–21:26

March 8, 2009

Help Comes from Unexpected Places

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 2:1–23

March 8, 2009

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 19:1–19:37

March 1, 2009

The Party Gone Wrong

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 1:1–22

March 1, 2009

Good Times, Bad Times, I've Had My Share

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 18:1–18:37

February 22, 2009

Introduction to Esther

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Esther Topic: PM Service Passage: Esther 1:1– 10:3

February 22, 2009

The End of the Line

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 17:1–17:41

February 15, 2009

Rollin' Downhill

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 15:1–16:20

February 8, 2009

The Passing of Elisha, Last Gasp of Israel

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 13:1–14:28

February 1, 2009

Completely Secure in an Unsecure World

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 11:1–12:21

January 25, 2009

The Problem with Partial Reformation

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 10:1–10:36

January 18, 2009

Throwdown with Jehu

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 9:1–9:37

January 11, 2009

No Recovering From Judgment

Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Kings Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Kings 8:1–8:29