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Cleansing the Stain of Sin

January 12, 2025 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Isaiah

Topic: AM Service Passage: Isaiah 1:1–20

There are two great spiritual dangers for mankind. First, we can believe that we are much better than we indeed are, that we are either without sin or that God does not care about our sin. Second, we can believe that we are without hope and that there is no way to find forgiveness and a path to God. The Lord sent the prophet Isaiah to Judah during the reign of four kings – some forty-plus years – to declare the Lord’s truth about both sin and grace, judgment and redemption. That message goes beyond Judah's time; it also comes to us. We need to hear about our sin so we are not complacent and arrogant. We need to hear about the salvation that the Lord brings to comfort our souls. In the opening of his book of prophecy, Isaiah calls for “Cleansing the Stain of Sin” (Isaiah 1:20).

I. The Reality of Sin

II. The Reality of Redemption

More in Isaiah

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The Branch of the Lord

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Trust in the Lord and Not Man

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