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Life-Giving Food and Drink

January 15, 2023 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: John

Topic: AM Service Passage: John 6:48–59

Contrary to a common view of Jesus, Jesus did not always speak in pleasant and mild language. Jesus’ purpose was not to be uncontroversial but to bring the truth of God to bear on the consciences of people. The end of John makes this clear. Jesus speaks of the need to “feed on my flesh and drink my blood,” and it scandalized both the Jews He was speaking to and also many today. What does that mean? Is this some kind of cannabilism? Is it a reference to the Lord’s Supper? It seems best to take His statement in the context of His earlier directions: “everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life” (John 6:40). This is another way that Jesus is describing the necessity of believing in Him for eternal life. He is the One who gives “Live-Giving Food and Drink” (John 6:48-59).

I. What Jesus Does Not Say

II. What Jesus Does Say

More in John

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The End and the Beginning

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Jesus and Peter Reunited

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A Meal with Jesus