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Jesus in the Storm

December 4, 2022 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: John

Topic: AM Service Passage: John 6:16–21

We all experience times in life when trials and difficulties come. This world is fallen, and sin, sickness, and even death appear to prevail. Because life’s troubles are so obvious, we need to remind ourselves that this is not how God created the world, and this is not how the world will be forever. The Son of God came into the world and took on flesh so that we would know peace with God and have hope. When we see the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him, our fear of the world’s troubles melts away. Jesus is the one who remakes creation by His grace and His work of redemption. Jesus is the one who comforts us and dispels fear. No matter what the world may bring, we are safe when we see “Jesus in the Storm” (John 6:16-21)

I. The Storm

II. The Savior

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The End and the Beginning

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