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Looking Back

February 6, 2022 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Samuel

Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Samuel 23:1–7

After David’s psalm of praise for God’s deliverance in 2 Samuel 22, David breaks in another kind of song. It is an “oracle” (2 Samuel 23:1) – a deliverance from God Himself through His servant David. Chapter 23 contains David’s last “official” words (as opposed to the last words he uttered on his deathbed (in 1 Kings 2). David reminds us of what the Lord has done for him and what that means for the future of the kingdom of Israel. God has promised an everlasting covenant to David, and that will be fulfilled in One who rules justly and shines forth like the sun. The kingdom of David has become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ (cf. Revelation 11:15), and all who put their faith in Christ are the recipients of that kingdom. By “Looking Back,” David shows us the great future in store for us (2 Samuel 23).

I. Sure Kingdom

II. Glorious Kingdom

III. Covenantal Kingdom

More in 2 Samuel

February 13, 2022

The Senseless Census

January 23, 2022

Song of Deliverance

January 16, 2022

The Importance of Covenant