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Christ was Crucified, Died, and was Buried

October 3, 2021 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: Mark

Topic: PM Service Passage: Mark 15:33–47

Hugh Martin wrote, “The Church flickers in her divine life, and becomes shallow in her divine knowledge when she thinks she has ascertained all that is implied in the death of Christ.” These words from this 19th century Scottish Presbyterian minister beautifully illustrate that the death of our Lord merits much contemplation. The account of our Lord’s death from the Gospel of Mark gives us much to consider- what happened in the moments of Christ’s death, and what do they mean for us as believers today? Mark teaches us is that Christ was indeed the divine Substitute who bore our sins. What can we do in light of what He has done? We can and should follow the example of the centurion, proclaiming Him as the Son of God. We can also follow courageously in the steps of Joseph of Arimathea, whose love for the Lord compelled him to risk his reputation and even his livelihood for the Lord.

I. Crucified
A. Darkness
B. Dereliction

II. Dead
A. Cry
B. Curtain
C. Centurion

III. Buried
A. Faithful Women
B. Committed Disciple

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