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Prayers of Confession

September 26, 2021 Speaker: Jason Wegener Series: James

Topic: AM Service Passage: James 15:16

The epistle of James closes with a section on prayer that reminds us that prayer is the right response to all the good-or the bad- that we face in life. Prayer has many components. We can remember the major parts of prayer by the oft-repeated acronym ACTS. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. In James 5:16, we are pointed to the C of that acronym- Confession. James reminds us of The Importance of Confession (James 5:16) as he calls us to confess our sins to one another. Why is this? The reason is that we are called to exist within the body of Christ in relationships. Those relationships involve walking alongside others in wisdom and love. James helps us to see that one aspect of our Christian relationships involve helping others in their struggle with sin.

I. Confession Defined
II. The Results of Confession
III. An Imperative and an Encouragement

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