God Speaks on the Mountain!
July 4, 2021 Speaker: Curt Mire Series: Non-Series Sermons
Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Kings 18:15–40
God is superior, more excellent, and more precious than all else in this world. The people of God during this time are in a dark place. Idolatry runs rampant throughout the land, faithful believers are persecuted, and the land has been undergoing severe drought for years due to disobedience. God’s response to this is to issue a challenge. On Mt. Carmel, there will be a showdown to prove without a doubt who is the real and true God. It is the great story of Elijah vs. the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah. A lone prophet against the powerful religious dominance of Baalism. It is a story we are likely familiar with. A story where the LORD gives an exhilarating show of his power. It may even be a personal favorite of yours. Yet, more important than the drama of this event are the truths we learn. Here we will be challenged to see our God in a new light. He is not only the true God but the all-powerful, merciful, and redeeming God. In comparison to Him, the idols of the world don’t stand a chance! As Christians, we will be challenged to love the LORD more and to re-commit our devotion to him.
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