The Savior of the World
December 20, 2020 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Christmas
Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 3:23–38, Matthew 1:1–17, John 1:1–18
Christmas takes over the world at this time of year. We see this in America, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa – everywhere. Think about all the “Christmas traditions” that surround us: presents, wrapping, ornaments, trees, cookies, wreaths, reindeer, and snowmen, to name just a few. Everyone tries to be on their best behavior and to spread “Christmas cheer.” While we may enjoy the trappings of the season, the danger is that we forget what Christmas is truly all about. Christmas is not just a made-up holiday to bring good spirits when we are down; it is the celebration of a very historical and important event. What we celebrate is the miraculous and marvelous birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. In Christmas, we see the grace and mercy of God made evident. God the Son became man so that by faith, sinners could be forgiven and reunited with God. We can have hope, we can have peace, we can have life because Jesus Christ is “The Savior of the World” (Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38; John 1:1-18).
I. The Hope of All Mankind (Luke 3:23-38)
A. Christmas Starts in the Garden
B. The Second Adam
II. Fulfillment of God's Promise (Matthew 1:1-17)
A. God's Promise to Redeem
B. God's Promise Perseveres
III. The Lord God Himself (John 1:1-18)
A. Truly God
Truly the Savior
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