Comfort from Joy
October 11, 2020 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: 2 Corinthians
Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:2–4
How should we deal with the difficulties of life? What is it that helps us to have confidence and comfort in the face of troubles? The Apostle Paul was no stranger to trouble, having been persecuted, attacked, maligned, and even falsely accused by some within the Church. After an extended defense of his ministry, Paul informs his fellow believers at Corinth that his relationship with them encourages him. He calls upon them to respond in love, seeing that he both has their best interests in mind and that he has consistently acted for their benefit. This should give us direction on how we live. When we take joy in others, the Lord fills us with “Comfort from Joy” (2 Corinthians 7:2-4).
I. Integrity
II. Togetherness
III. Boldness
More in 2 Corinthians
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