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I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

September 27, 2020 Speaker: David King Series: Non-Series Sermons

Topic: PM Service Passage: John 14:6

Introduction: The exclusivity of the Lord Jesus Christ
I. Consider the context for this utterance
II. Consider how extraordinary these words are
III. Jesus is speaking to disciples
IV. The Relational Heart of Biblical Religion
V. Jesus’ self-conscious sense of His identity and mission
Conclusion: What do these words imply?

Questions for consideration: (1) In what context does Jesus utter these words? (2) Why are these words of our Lord Jesus so extraordinary? (3) How is Jesus the way to God? (4) What is the Gospel antidote to spiritual despondency? (5) Though the context for these words is pastoral in nature, does it have implications for evangelism, and if so, how?